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Why We Do It

There is nothing constant in your business. It follows a cycle that changes from month to month and year to year. You might have started small, but your ideas are big. As time goes by, more people buy into what you do. You grow. You adjust. Opportunity knocks and challenges loom. The unexpected comes in many forms; sometimes it's unexpected opportunity, and other times it's not. But both require all you can give.

When your business changes, your needs change. The risks change. The end game might even change.

We get it.

There's no single financing solution that fits all aspects of your business, but there is one lender who can provide multiple solutions to fit your need best…and that's MidFirst Business Credit.

Not just financing. Partnering.

We believe that a lender should understand your business. Not just what you do, but how you do it…and why you do it. If we understand your business well, we can structure a financing program to help you achieve success, and we want to make that journey to success with you.

The unexpected can be dramatic. Whether it's finding a way to finance the addition of a new customer, or dealing with the challenges of losing one…and everything in between…they all require a steady hand when navigating unknown waters. It's not a time for knee jerk reactions. If we understand your business, there is no need for drama and we can focus on the issue at hand. That's what being a partner is all about.

Through growth. Through success. Through thick and thin.

Tradition says that you'll need a different lender for each aspect of your company. We think it's time to break that tradition. It's true that you may require different types of financing products along the way, but who says that you have to change lenders in order to get them? 

Let's face it, changing lenders is a hassle, it's expensive, and it's unnecessary. MidFirst Business Credit offers a range of financing products that meet the many needs of a growing business. Whether it is an asset-based facility during high-growth and balance sheet building phases, fixed asset financing for machinery, equipment or real estate, or a more traditional banking facility for more highly capitalized businesses, MidFirst Business Credit has a financing program that can meet the changing needs of your business. Add to this, our ability to offer a full host of sophisticated banking products, and MidFirst Business Credit really can be the lender for every aspect of your business.